Contact Lens FAQ
Can I purchase lenses from Lexington Eye Associates if I am not an existing patient?
No. You would need to schedule an eye examination and a separate contact lens evaluation with one of our ophthalmologists or optometrists in order to purchase lenses from us.
What if I have been fit elsewhere, and I am coming to see you for the first time?
If you are coming for the first time for a contact lens evaluation and already wear contact lenses, you should bring any information you have from your previous doctor.
How long does a fitting take, and is it part of an eye exam?
A first fit takes about an hour and is not part of a regular eye exam.
How often do I need to be seen by the doctor?
If you are a contact lens wearer, we require a comprehensive eye exam and a separate contact lens evaluation once a year.
Can my contact lens order be mailed to me?
Yes. We charge a $6 mailing fee to ship regular mail.
What if I want a prescription to purchase lenses elsewhere?
We would need to see you for the initial fit and follow-up visit. We recommend getting at least the initial lenses from us in case there is a problem. However, we can give you a prescription as long as we have seen you for a follow-up after the initial fitting while wearing the lenses. Contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year, so you would need to be seen every year by a contact lens eye care professional to update your prescription.
Is a contact lens fitting covered by my insurance?
Contact lens fittings are not covered by most insurance plans. There are a few vision-specific plans that will cover some of the visit and a few that discount the lenses themselves. Coverage for medically necessary contact lenses varies widely among insurance plans. Check with your insurance company to see what kind of coverage you have.
What if I get fit and then decide I don’t want to purchase contact lenses?
We charge one fee that includes the initial fitting and follow-up visits. If you come in for only one visit and then decide not to purchase lenses, we may reimburse you for part of the fitting fee.
What if I have a problem with the lenses? Are they returnable?
With disposable lenses, we are given trial lenses with which to fit you, so you won’t have to buy a supply until we are sure the prescription is correct. For most other lenses, there is a 60-day period in which we can return lenses if they are defective. If, for some reason, you need to exchange a disposable lens box, we can do that as long as the box is unopened.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, debit card, check, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Meet Our Team
The Lexington Eye Associates team is led by board-certified doctors considered to be leaders in the field of ophthalmology. Get to know us.
If you have questions or would like to book an appointment, please call (781) 876-2020 request your consultation.